Nurse Cindy is passionate about DNM’s mission of Call to care for all. She cares for as many as she can each week. She meets her clients through a homeless meal program and an affordable housing. This year is the 100th year of United Way. Nurse Cindy helped her clients apply to the 100 Neediest Cases. She was amazed at how the community coming together can help others when they most needed. Cindy worked with her clients for months to collect necessary identification of need with financial paperwork. Through the process she learned about their current life situations in more detail, the grassroots level of client interaction.
30 of her clients received something either financial, in-kind donation or both. When they received their gifts before Christmas, it lifted up their holiday spirit of gratitude. Cindy said: “I actually get rewarded with their smiles and hear them and see the change has occurred in their lives.
One of the clients that Cindy helped with is Ms. M, an 86 year old who lives in independent senior housing for about a year, in a new area. Ms. M wanted to make the new apartment her home. Without the financial means, she was not able to do that. After being adopted, a generous donor purchased some new items such as curtains, living room and bedroom furniture, a couch cover, a comforter and some clothes items. Ms. M received a cash donation to help with her bills and purchasing food for the holiday. She was so grateful. She invited Cindy to come and see her living space transformed. Her voice and face was elated with joy and happiness to exhibit the blessings upon her from the 100 Neediest program. Her food pantry was organized and full of food, cleaning supplies, paper products, all neatly arranged. Ms. M said: “I won’t be needing anything else for a while” with a giggle. Ms. M said: “It feels like a home now.” Her apartment is decorated with her favorite color scheme. The interior design flows well in her apt. floor plan with-curtains up. These small changes meant the world to her through and through. And she mentioned clothing. “It took me a while to get through everything which was beautifully wrapped.”
Nurse Cindy wanted to say: “Thank You Donors” for making Ms. M feel so loved and cared for during this holiday season. It makes her heart so happy.