End of the Year IRA distributions
If you are at least 70 ½ years old, you can make an IRA distribution of up to $100,000 to Deaconess at the end of the year. The distribution amount is excluded from your gross income for federal tax purposes.
Stocks or Mutual funds
Did you know you can donate long-term appreciated securities such as stocks. bonds, and mutual funds? When you donate the stock itself, rather than the money from the sale of it, you remove a step in the process and the need to pay long term capital gains. For the transfer, contact Deaconess and your broker to transfer the security.
Planned Gifts
It is hard to think about what happens after you are gone, but setting up a planned gift is a great way to ensure your support for our work. There are number of ways you can use planned giving. Some may even lower your taxable income as you are alive. Some different ways to do planned giving are:
- Bequest – a specific bequest of money or property naming Deaconess Nurse Ministry as the beneficiary.
- Planned gift annuities – contact Deaconess Nurse Ministry to set up a planned gift annuity
- Life Insurance – where Deaconess Nurse Ministry is named as a beneficiary
- Qualified Retirement plan (IRA, 401k, 403b, Keough) – where Deaconess Nurse Ministry is named as a beneficiary.
More ways to give:
Our nurses serve clients that are very low income and lack access to basic necessities such as food, clothing and especially healthcare. Here are ten ways you or your church can support our work:
- Collect small gifts ($5.00 – $10.00) for seniors during the holidays
- Host a gift card drive, collecting $5.00 gift cards to the following retailers:
- Walgreens
- Schnucks
- Dierbergs
- Shop N’ Save
- Host a personal care item drive, items include:
- Nutrition supplements – Boost, Glucerna, Ensure
- Toothbrushes/ toothpaste
- Deodorant
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Sanitary napkins and tampons
- Shaving supplies
- Offer prayers for the work of the nurses as they continue to work with vulnerable children and adults to bring health
- Donate antibiotic ointment and large Band-Aids
- Honor a nurse by making a donation in his/her name
- Provide yard clean-up (fall/spring) for senior clients
- Volunteer to be a nurse a food pantry, church, or free clinic, volunteer to be a receptionist (email Tameka Brown at executivedirector@faithnurses.org)
- Register to receive our monthly newsletters by registering in the email fields below
- Follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/deaconessnurseministry
Item donations can be mailed or dropped off at: 3159 Fee Fee Road, Suite 225, St. Louis, MO 63044
Donate Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies: Please contact us at: 314-395-4655 or email: executivedirector@faithnurses.org